Latest Novel, A Stone of Hope, Now Available!

The latest novel by Robert K. Brown, A Stone of Hope, is now available for download to your Kindle device! Get your copy here. You can read the prologue & first chapter of A Stone of Hope here. Mystery/suspense writer Robert K. Brown is a native of Mobile, Alabama, where he graduated from the University […]

New Novel, A Stone of Hope, Available in May

The latest novel by Robert K. Brown, A Stone of Hope, will be available for download to your Kindle device this May. You can read the prologue & first chapter of A Stone of Hope right now here. Mystery/suspense writer Robert K. Brown is a native of Mobile, Alabama, where he graduated from the University […]

New Novel, Blind Luck, Now Available!

My latest novel, Blind Luck, is now available! You can read the prologue and first chapter here… after that, you can get your copy in Kindle format at for just $3.99. I hope you enjoy it!

Read the Prologues to Sonnets & The Neighborhood

I’m making the prologues to my first two novels, Sonnets & The Neighborhood, available to you to read for free! Read the opening from Sonnets now. Read the opening from The Neighborhood now.

New Book, Blind Luck, Coming Soon…

Coming August 1, Blind Luck, the latest release from Robert K. Brown is a mystery/suspense novel set along the shores of Lake Martin in Alabama. Be sure to check back soon for more details…